"Disco Boy" lyrics |

Disco Boy
Run to the toilet
And you comb your hair
Disco Boy
Pucker yer lip
And check yer shoulders
Cause some dandruff might be
Hidin' there
Disco Boy,
You're the disco king
Aw, the disco theme
Made you think
That you
Just might go somewhere
Disco Girl
You're outta sight
You need a Disco Boy
To treat you right
He'll do a little dance
Take you home tonight
Leave his hair alone
But you can kiss his comb
Disco Boy
Run to the toilet boy
And comb your hair
Disco Boy
Shake it more than three times 'n yer playin' with it
While yer standin' there
Disco Boy
Do the Bump every night
'Til the Disco Girl
Who's really right
Gonna fall for yer line
'N feed you a box fulla
Chicken delight
Disco chit-chat so demure
Pump that booty all across the floor
A disco drink
A disco wink
You never go doody
That's what you think
You never go doody
You never go doody
Disco Boy
You got one more chance
To comb your hair again
Disco Boy
They're closin' the bar
And she's leavin' with your friend
Disco Boy
That's the way it goes
So wipe your nose
'N try it again
To get a little laid tomorrow
Disco Boy
No one understands
But thank the lord
That you still got hands
To help you do that jerkin' that'll
Blot out yer Disco Sorrow
It's Disco Love tonight
Make sure you look all right
It's Disco Love tonight
Make sure you look all right