Guns N' Roses have reportedly dropped
Queen guitarist
Brian May's contribution to their new album '
Chinese Democracy'.
May recorded the lead guitar part on 'Catcher N' The Rye', a track which is confirmed on the album's tracklist, in 1999.
Responding to a fans' claim that May was credited in the album's sleeve notes, the guitarist wrote on his website: "Well, it is a shame, perhaps ... I did put quite a lot of work in, and was proud of it.”
“But I could understand if Axl [Rose, Guns N' Roses frontman] wants to have an album which reflects the work of the members of the band as it is right now."
As previously reported, Guns N' Roses eagerly awaited new album, 'Chinese Democracy', will be available on 14-track CD, digital download and vinyl from November 23rd via Best Buy stores in America.
'Chinese Democracy' will be released in the UK on November 24th.
The album has been nearly fourteen years in the making and is reported to have cost Rose $2million.
(by Jason Gregory)