Laying down in this Spanish bar, that
last slammer hit me like a car
I've got the 6 a.m. Balearic blues,
can't even focus on my own tattoos
I had a fight with this German guy, I
saw him give my little girl the eye
While he was trying hard to be so
cool, I hit him with a stool
Oh yes, alright, I'll be going all night
Gonna drink 'til they take me away,
I'm an Englishman on holiday
Every year I get to do the same, I
meet the boys and get on the plane
We like to sing and shout out "here
we go"
'Cos they're the only words that we
all know
We've got the loudest shirts you've
ever seen
We're gonna take the beaches like a
We've got so much duty free to
drink, enough to float a ship
Oh yeah alright, I'll be going all night
So light the paper, get out of the
way, I'm an Englishman on holiday
We never look for trouble at the
start, but it always comes our way
We've got our pride and we just
can't walk away
This morning I woke up inside a cell
They dragged me screaming out of
my hotel
I don't remember what it was I did
But I've got this drummer banging in
my head
I've got to get out 'fore I miss the
plane, next summer I'll be back again
I'll be fighting for the Union Jack, if
they let me back
Oh yes, alright, I'll be going all night
Gonna drink 'til they take me away,
I'm an Englishman on holiday...