No respect for
a land-holding man
only scum
who pay when they can
that hate what I am
then beg me to fix their can
Ugly Harleys on the front lawn
I come by
to turn the sprinklers on
just tryin' to keep up the place
get a knuckle sandwich
right in my face
Kill my tenant
He ain't worth the rent
Section 8
pays most of their rent
but they can't handle
the 20 percent
Selling speed
just ain't what it's been
Wanna see me
make some homeless men?
Rent's in the mail
You know that it's not
I got filth attempting to swuat
think I'm kidding,
'til someone gets shot
I love slow targets high on pot
Just tryin' to get appreciation
Some return on my investment
Go buy your own home
Tom Vu will show you how to
own big money and own a yacht
How I long foe medieval times
Right to deflower virgins
was mine
No coalitions
telling me what to do
No pesky pinko ACLU
You can lynch
whomever you like
just be careful
where you park that bike
I'm not impressed
by pigs with no class
So get off your ass
and go cut the grass