Part I: The World's Columbian Exposition
Oh great intentions
I've got the best of interventions
But when the ads come
I think about it now
In my infliction
Entrepreneurial conditions
Take us to glory
I think about it now
Cannot conversations cull United Nations?
If you got the patience, celebrate the ancients
Cannot all creation call it celebration?
Or united nation. Put it to your head.
Oh great White City
I've got the adequate committee
Where have your walls gone
I think about it now
Chicago, in fashion, the soft drinks,
expansion, oh Columbia!
From Paris, incentive,
like Cream of Wheat invented, the Ferris Wheel!
Oh great intentions
Covenant with the Imitation
Have you no conscience
I think about it now
Oh God of Progress
Have you degraded or forgot us?
Where have your walls gone
I think about it now
Ancient hieroglyphic, or the South Pacific
Typically terrific, busy and prolific
Classical devotion, architect promotion
Lacking an emotion. Think it about it now.
Chicago, the New Age,
but what would Frank Lloyd Wright say?
Oh Columbia!
Amusement, or treasure,
these optimistic pleasures,
like the Ferris Wheel!
Cannot conversations cull United Nations?
If you got the patience, celebrate the ancients
C o l u m b i a !
Part II: Carl Sandburg Visits Me In A Dream
I cried myself to sleep last night
And the ghost of Carl, he approached my window
I was hypnotized; I was asked to improvise
On the attitude, the regret of a thousand centuries of death
Even with the heart of terror and the superstitious wearer
I am writing all alone, I am writing all alone
Even in my best condition, counting all the superstition
I am riding all alone, I am running all alone
And we laughed the beatitudes of a thousand lines
We were asked, at the attitudes, they reminded us of death
Even with the rest belated, everything is antiquated
Are you writing from the heart?
Are you writing from the heart?
Even in his heart the Devil has to know to the water level
Are you writing from the heart?
Are you writing from the heart?
And I cried myself to sleep last night
For the earth, and materials, they may sound just right to me
Even with the rest belated, everything is antiquated
Are you writing from the heart? Are you writing from the heart?
Even in his heart the Devil has to know to the water level