Pass me a joint [joint joint joint]
It’s time to anoint [noint noint noint]
The fortunate son [son son son]
And his cosmic exploits [sploits sploits sploits]
Spark that shit up [up up up up up up up]
Get me a beer [beer beer beer]
I feel kinda queer [queer queer queer]
I wanna get fucked up
And get outta here [here here here]
Pour me a fucking tall one [one one one one one one one one]
Take off your clothes [clothes clothes clothes]
But leave on your shoes [shoes shoes shoes]
You smell like a rosary
And you look like a Jew [Jew Jew Jew]
You drunk all my wine, go [go go go go go go go go]
The empty bottle
Its nothing but trouble
Another bottle
We'll make it a double
We’re getting thirsty [thirsty thirsty thirsty thirsty]
No-where to go
Nothing to do
No-where to go
With someone like you
Nothing to do
There’s nothing to see
There’s no one at home
No-one like you
No-one to do
There’s nothing that's new
There’s no one at home
There's no-one like you
There's no-one to see
Nothing to see
No-one to go
No-one to stay
No-where to go
Nothing to do
No-where to go
With someone like you
Nothing to do
There’s nothing to see
There’s no one at home
No-one like you
No-one to do
There’s nothing that's new
There’s no one at home
There's no-one like you
Pass me a crate, you
Let’s do it in the nude
I think I like you
I think I drank you
Pass me the vacuum [vacuum vacuum vacuum vacuum]