Tides of burning blood upon my faceCaressing my soul like a sweet embracePassionate, secret and profoundGleaming eyes of uncharitable love
Shuffling out of mental claws to find a resortChampagne of desire still oozing from my poresI cannot resist the guileful brightness in your eyesAnd your body with limbs that drags behind
Affectionated wantoness so give me your handNever weeping over victims never feeling badInflaming the wish to control your breathSequestration from life, conveyance to death
I know that I am guilty but devoutness diarizedGod-awful desecration, psychotic homicideDiscovered is my preference for lacerated skinI hope that rotten bodies don't get buried so deep
That's what an unknown killer diarized
My spirit is casting the pure part of the oneWho brings fatal calamites still before the dawnI never before felt a kind of compunctionMy life is inspired by endless temptation
The day when I'm snatched away from this groundAnd veins are exhausted by my bleeding heartI consider to reap now the fruits of deathRetire with pride to write down my adventures
She followed me trustfullyBut wondered where we'd goI led her to the hidden placeThat she had never seen beforeMy sweet heart