Opening the door to dine with Him
Traveling to earth to let us in
Laying down His glory crown of old
Setting up the wedding feast foretold
Oh, we can't contain our love
We turn it up loud
We love You Jesus
For so many reasons
For death and life and freedom
Even now we love You
What manner of love is this that You would say?
Your sin is mine, I'll take it to the grave then rising
Death oh, death where is your sting today?
Death is swallowed up in victory
Oh, we can't contain our love
We turn it up loud
We love You Jesus
For so many reasons
For death and life and freedom
Even now we love You
We love You Jesus
In and out of seasons
In valleys and on top of mountains
Even now can we sing?
We love You Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
We love You Jesus
For so many reasons
For death and life and freedom
Even now
We love You Jesus
For so many reasons
For death and life and freedom
Even now we love You
We love You Jesus
In and out of seasons
In valleys and on top of mountains
Even now can we sing?
We love You