I'm not ready to love
I'm not ready for peace
I'm givin' up the dove to the beast
I'm not ready to surrender
To another glove murderer
I'm not ready to love
I'm not ready to to fly
I'm givin' up belief in the sky
So you can take my sin
In up above on high, say goodbye
I'm not ready to love
I'm not ready to love
Not ready to love, not ready to love
Not ready to love, not ready to love
Not ready to love
I'm not ready to love
Until I'm ready to love you
The way you should be loved
Until I'm ready to hold you
The way you should be held
You should be held
But I'm not ready to
Do I love you?
Because you treat me so indifferently
Or is it the medication?
Or is it me?
Do I love you?
Because you don't want me to rub your back
Or is it the medication?
Or is it you? Or is it true?
And I better be prominently
Featured in your next slideshow
Because I paid a lotta money
To get you over here, you know
And if I am not prominently
Featured in your next slideshow
I don't know what I'm gonna
Do I love you?
Or is this feeling just a little pain?
A treasure chest is broken, easily open
And usually I am such a happy prince
Behind the iron curtain, yeah
The city walls, a solid prison
And I better be prominently
Featured in your next slideshow
'Cause I paid a lotta money
To get you over here, you know
And if I am not prominently
Featured in your next slideshow
I don't know what I'm gonna do
Do I love you?
Do I love you? Yes, I do
Do I love you? Yes, I do
Do I love you? Yes, I do
Do I love you? Yes, I do