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Robert Wyatt

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Robert Wyatt Album

Flotsam Jetsam (1994)
Slow Walkin' Talk (with Jimi Hendrix)
Moon in June (demo – excerpt)
Standfast (by Symbiosis)
No 'Alf Measures (by Matching Mole)
God Song (/Fol De Rol)
Soprano Derivato/Apricot Jam (by Lox Coxhill)
A Little Something (by Slapp Happy)
Now Is the Time (by Gary Windo)
Now't Doin'
Billie's Bounce
Obert Tancat 1
Tu Traicion (by Claustrophobia)
Obert Tancat 2
Turn Things Upside Down
The Wind of Change
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Slow Walkin' Talk

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On a dilemma between what I need and what I just want
Between your thighs I feel a sensation
How long can I resist the temptation ?
I've got my bird, you've got your man
So who else do we need, really ?

Now I'm here, I may as well put my other hand in yours
While we decide how far to go and if we've got time to do it now
And if it's half as good for you as it is for me
Then you won't mind if we lie down for a while, just for a while
Till all the thing I want is need
Till all the thing I want is need

I want you more than ever now
We're on the floor, and you want more, and I feel almost sure
That cause now we've agreed, that we got what we need
Then all the thing us needs is wanting

I realized when I saw you last
We've been together now and then
From time to time - just here and there
Now I know how it feels from my hair to my heels
To have you on the horns of my dilemma
- Oh ! Wait a minute ! -

Over - Up - Over - Up - ... Down
Down - Over - Up - Over - ... Up

Living can be lovely, here in New York State
Ah, but I wish that I were home
And I wish I were home again - back home again, home again
There are places and people that I'm so glad to have seen
Ah, but I miss the trees, and I wish that I were home again
Back home again
The sun shines here all summer
Its nice cause you can get quite brown
Ah, but I miss the rain - ticky tacky ticky
And I wish that I were home again - home again, home again...
Living is easy here in New York State
Ah, but I wish that I were home again

Just before we go on to the next part of our song
Let's all make sure we've got the time
Music-making still performs the normal functions -
background noise for people scheming, seducing, revolting and teaching
That's all right by me, don't think that I'm complaining
After all, it's only leisure time, isn't it ?

Now I love your eyes - see how the time flies
She's learning to hate, but it's just too late for me
It was the same with her love
It just wasn't enough for me
But before this feeling dies
Remember how distance can tell lies !

You can almost see her eyes, is it me she despises or you ?
You're awfully nice to me and I'm sure you can see what her game is
She sees you in her place, just as if it's a race
And you're winning, and you're winning
She just can't undertsand that for me everything's just beginning
Until I get more homesick
So before this feeling dies, remember how distance tells us lies.

Singing a song in the morning
Singing it again at night
Don't really know what I'm singing about
But it makes me feel all right

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No 'Alf Measures

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What on Earth are you doing, God?
Is this some sort of joke you're playing?
Is it cause we didn't pray?
Well I can't see the point of the word without the action
Are you just hot air, breathing over us and over all?
Is it fun watching us all?
Where's your son? We want him again!

And next time you send your boy down here
Give him a wife and a sexy daughter
Someone we can understand
Who's got some ideas we can use, really relate to
We've all read your rules, tried them
Learnt them in school, then tried them
They're impossible rules, and you've made us look fools
Well done, God, but now please...

Don't hunt me down, for Heaven's sake!
You know that I'm only joking, aren't I?
Pardon me I'm very drunk!
But I know what I'm trying to say, and it's nearly night time
And we're still alone, waiting for something unknown, still waiting
So throw down a stone, or something!
Give us a sign, for Christ's sake!

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Soprano Derivato/Apricot Jam

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A Little Something

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Now Is the Time

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Now't Doin'

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At least I won't be shot for singing
I'm a free agent – I can protest
This must be freedom
I must be happy!
So let Mandela rot in prison
Someone should tell him how lucky he is
Read him George Orwell, explain about Naipaul because
He must realize how he needs us
what with our Culture, our Charm and our Brains
But how could he understand?
Heathen have no soul

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Billie's Bounce

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Half the time is pantomime
half the time it's only make believe
heaven knows, heaven only knows
it's anaemic as hell with it's soft syckle cell

but still the moving target's hit
we stop them in their tracks
with modern artefacts
till the gutter turns to mud
the show goes down a bomb
with modern artefacts

after death occurs, the show must go on, and off and on
and over time, the three days week, the monthly board
roll by to fill the greater mas cavities hold our teeth
apart it's too much to take in, it's too much to take in
it's too much to take in.

Till we learn to loose the game
we'll always play the game.

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Obert Tancat 1

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Tu Traicion

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Obert Tancat 2

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Turn Things Upside Down

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The Wind of Change

[No lyrics]

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