This song offended some. Not the music, of course, but the title and lyrics. The notion of "I Am No Good" is not particularly popular in a society where we are constantly told to "believe in ourselves" and to "stick up for your rights". Even among believers there can be a difficult quandry with this. The truth is, any good that is in any of us comes from Jesus Christ. Any worth that we have in this life is from Him and Him alone. That said, I personally like this song very much. It's different, that's for sure. It has light jazz overtones. The arrangement is slightly odd, but it all works. Heck, this song was even fun in concert!
We've already touched on the lyrical content, I suppose. The dominant concept in this song, as the title might suggest, is that "I Am No Good". There is a progression in the song of self-reliance, the first few verses, to the final line, "now I fall indeed". That's the progression that we all need. Amen.
so it seized me
so it grieves me
grabs me everyday
will it bleed thru?
does it burn you?
got to take us ever low
take, us, take us ever low
no, other, no other chance i know
am i thinking?
am i drinking?
wrapped in me today
so you're scheming
still you're dreaming
all you have and plan you fail
all, you, all you have you fail
i, put, i put my life up for sale
cause i am no good
(i am no good)
i am no one
(i am no one)
no, i am no good
leave it all down
i give all now
full of earth, i agree
does it create?
like a headache?
got you on your hands and knees
on, your, on your hands and knees
now, i, now i fall in need
cause i am no good
(i am no good)
i am no one
(i am no one)
no, i am no good
(i am no good)
cause i am no good
(i am no good)
i am no one
(i am no one)
no, i am no good
now, i, now i fall indeed