"Same Time, Next Week" lyrics |

Sometimes when I was younger
I thought I'd found my luck y number
But she drifted away
She'd encourage your advances
Back row movies, midnight chance
Absolutely nothing to say
And as time went by
I found I was looking
For that pebble in the sky
Who was not too shy
But would always satisfy me
Same time next week
Well you've kept your tan quite well I must say
And your figure's getting better every day
But I've something tosay to you
On the subject of confession
I admit to indiscretion
Nothing really just a weekend or two
Well now is that so? I didn't
Really want to know about
The details I've go to go
To meet your sister at nine
And maybe I'll see you same time next week
It must have come as quite a shock to you
To hear people talk as they as people do
So scandalously
Hey I'm a liberated lady
Second generation sister say!
Why don't you want it and
Don't patronise me
Well the problem is with me
You see that you have got
Exactly what I want but she
Has always had what I need
Maybe I'll see you same time next week