Whenever I see you walking along the street
I always tell you, hey friend don't let them tell stories about you
You should include your own method, it's simple don't get upset
I already see that your method looks like it's not coming from yourself
Your way of living, doesn't need them or their insults
Whenever I see you walking along the street
I always tell you, hey friend don't let them tell stories about you
You should include your own method, it's simple don't get upset
I already see that what you include in your life, looks like it's not coming from yourself
Your way of living, doesn't need them or their insults
Nobody pulls you down, you're the one who pulls
yourself down
Look at all the people, how foolish the people are who follow
But you fall down on your own, look nobody is making you fall
You pull yourself down
Even you have a say about what's in your heart
Your heart and your mind
Look, I see that you have a new
But because nobody matters more than you, only you measure yourself
But remember that this story continues on