Do you like where you're living?
Do you like what you do?
Do you like what you're seeing . . .
When you're lookin' at you?
Do you like what you're saying . . .
When you open your face?
Do you got the right feeling?
Are you in the right place?
Stealin' a tusk from an elephant must make one feel creepy inside.
And although you'll boast around the fire at night . . .
That ghost will kick up a fight.
“Be gone? Be gone?”, you scream . . .
You're just some elephant dream . . .
I needed you like you needed me . . .
People, they need piano keys.
If you like where you're living . . .
If you like what you do . . .
If you like what you're seeing . . .
When you're lookin' at you . . .
If you like what you're saying . . .
When you open your face . . .
Then you got the right feeling.
You're in the right place.
“Is this right? Is this right?”
C'mon God answer tonite!
Is there some fee that you'll charge me . . .
For doin' what you thought I might?
Once you've thought long and hard about it . . .
Tell me if heads will roll
Once you've thought long and hard about it . . .
Tell me cuz I need to know . . .
Cause I like where I'm livin' . . .
And I like what I do . . .
And I like what I'm seein' . . .
When I'm lookin' at you . .
I still like what I'm saying . . .
When I open my face.
I think I got the right feeling.
I think I'm in the right place.
I think I got the right feeling.
I think I'm in the right place.