"Who's Gene Autry?" lyrics |

(Johnny Cash)
Whooppee tai ai ooh rockin' to and throw back in the saddle again
My little bot said (daddy who's Gene Autry) his old movie was comin' on TV
And I said let me tell you about him son and I took him upon my knee
Why when I was a little boy bout your size and just about every Saturday night
When I could scrape up a dime for the movies and when my daddy said alright
I'd be right downtown at the picture show like everybody else that could
To see a handsome man on a big fine stallion goin' about doing good
Singing whooppee tai ai ooh rockin' to and throw put him back in the saddle
Whooppee tai ain yeh let him go on his way back in the saddle again
Well he could ride his horse and play his guitar and sing all at the same time
And I was ridin' right along there beside him on that broomstick pony of mine
And you know his pistol never ran out of bullets when the bad guys had to be
And somehow his bullets never drew any blood but the bad guys dropped when he
Yeah old Gene was an image of justice and goodness and purity
And in the eyes of a poor little country boy he made the world look better to me
Singing whooppee tai ai ooh...
And you know the way he rescued the rancher's daughter
He'd sent a thrill right up the aisle
And the endin' would always send us home with a good victorious smile
Now you ask me who's Gene Autry well son go ahead and watch the show
And then ride off into the sunset with him like I did forty years ago