"No Earthly Good" lyrics |

(Johnny Cash)
Come hear me good brothers come here one and all
Don't brag about standing or you'll surely fall
You're shinin' your light yes and shine if you should
You're so heavenly minded and you're no earthly good
No earthly good you are no earthly good
You're so heavenly minded you're no earthly good
You're shinin' your light yes and shine if you should
You're so heavenly minded and you're no earthly good
Come here me good sisters you're salt of the earth
If your salt isn't salted then what is it worth
You could give someone a cool drink if you would
You're so heavenly minded and you're no earthly good
No earthly good you are no earthly good
You're so heavenly minded you're no earthly good
You could give someone a cool drink if you would
You're so heavenly minded and you're no earthly good
If you're holdin' heaven then spread it around
There are hungry hands reaching up here from the ground
Move over and share the high ground where you stood
So heavenly minded and you're no earthly good
No earthly good you are no earthly good
You're so heavenly minded you're no earthly good
Move over and share the high ground where you stood
So heavenly minded and you're no earthly good
No earthly good...
[ Rambler ]
I'm burnin' up you know it must be 110 today
[ Fisherman ]
I wonder how far it is on in to Phoenix I need a rest
[ Rambler ]
Not far I don't think
[ Fisherman ]
You're gonna pick up that cowboy hitchhiker
[ Rambler ]
Hey it's a cowgirl
[ Fisherman ]
Alright hey come on in
[ Cowgirl ]
You all goin' to Phoenix
[ Rambler ]
Hmm headed there were you goin' to Phoenix
[ Cowgirl ]
It didn't matter I just got to get away
[ Fisherman ]
You too
[ Cowgirl ]
Hey do you all ever play the pinball machine
[ Rambler ]
Hey we got a pinball freak
[ Fisherman ]
What are you talkin' about your pinball machine
[ Cowgirl ]
At the truckstop back there I played the blue max for two hours and forty
[ Rambler ]
Hahaha really
[ Cowgirl ]
The left flipper was broken but I still beat it for eighteen games
[ Fisherman ]
It's gonna be a long day
[ Cowgirl ]
I put two nickels in it and played it for two hours and forty minutes
[ Rambler ]
Aha fantastic that's good honey that's good honey
[ Fisherman ]
Great to hear
[ Cowgirl ]
I picked the machine up real slow and set it on the end of my cowboy boots
It took them balls five minutes to run out
[ Rambler ]
What does that mean what are you talkin' about
Took them balls five minutes to run out
[ Cowgirl ]
Oh you know if you put it on top of the cowboy boots
Then the ball goes real slow and you get to play more games
[ Rambler ]
How do you keep it from tiltin'
[ Cowgirl ]
Well you just have to let it up real easy on the toe
[ Rambler ]
Oh I see
[ Fisherman ]
She's crazy as hell
[ Rambler ]
No doubt about that
[ Cowgirl ]
Hey man what kind of car is this anyway
[ Rambler ]
Well it's a Wednesday car
[ Cowgirl ]
It's a what
[ Rambler ]
It's a Wednesday car
[ Cowgirl ]
I never heard of a Wednesday car
[ Rambler ]
Really it's the best kind yeah I mean it's a good one