"Hit The Road And Go" lyrics |

(Johnny Cash)
I woke up this afternoon looked into your eyes
And somethin' was as wrong as if the sun forgot to rise
I picked up a roadmap and I checked a few good places that I know
And if you're no longer givin' I believe I'll hit the road and go
I just got the feelin' that the fire was burnin' out
Cause the air was turnin' colder every time you came about
And a flame won't take a fannin' if the last reserve of love is runnin' low
So since I've gotta button up I believe I'll hit the road and go
Country road 6-40 state highway 45 life out of the interstate is very much alive
There's magic in the mountains and music in the valleys down below
And my song ain't through playin' yet so I believe I'll hit the road and go
Good morning to you sunshine good morning to you rain
The windshield whiper's rhythm keeps me singin' down the pain
Today I'm gonna miss you less if I miss you at all you'll never know you'll
never know
This rambler had cut all the ties and pulled up stakes to hit the road and go
This rambler had cut all the ties and pulled up stakes to hit the road and go
There comes a time in every life when love goes wrong
And sometimes the only thing a man or woman can do is to go
It doesn't matter where or how far what matters is that you're goin'
When love plays out there's still some thing in a man or woman
That cries out for more love for true love for lastin' love
And so it is with the Rambler
Leavin' east coast he rambles his way up to Pittsburg Wheeling
Westward to Ohio Illinois Indiana
His only companion at times is the car radio
The Rambler remembers the other times good times and places along the way
And suspectin' that he won't lose her memory
Knowin' that his love for her will haunt him wherever he goes
He hopes to dull the pain with new experiences new places maybe a new face
A new adventure maybe a new friend a true friend
Near Lafayette Indiana the Rambler pulls off the Interstate
And down through the trees on the left he sees a river
The Rambler pulls into a little roadside park overlookin' the river
The Rambler walks down to the water and discovers he's not alone
[ Rambler ]
Hey how you're doin' you catchin' any
[ Fisherman ]
[ Rambler ]
Uh hope I'm not disturbin' you
[ Fisherman ]
No you're not disturbin' me
[ Rambler ]
How's fishin' on this river
[ Fisherman ]
Well I hear about a mile downstream that there toward Lafayette
They catch some good catfish underneath that railroad bridge but it's pretty
crowded down there
It's a little more peaceful here you know
[ Rambler ]
Well I'm not really interested in fishin' I'm just passin' through
[ Fisherman ]
Where you're goin'
[ Rambler ]
Ah nowhere in particular California I guess is the way I'm headed
[ Fisherman ]
That's funny I just came back from California
[ Rambler ]
Really workin' out there
[ Fisherman ]
No no
[ Rambler ]
Your family out there
[ Fisherman ]
Well my woman is
[ Rambler ]
Well I'd say you're a long way from your woman aren't you
[ Fisherman ]
I'll just have to go and try to get her to come back home here but she wouldn't
And that's just me and that river there
[ Rambler ]
You know looks like me and you got somethin' in common
[ Fisherman ]
What are you talkin' about
[ Rambler ]
Women we both lost I think
You got the river but I got the highway
And I bet you the highway will take you farther
If you want to run I've got an empty shotgun seat
[ Fisherman ]