I've seen the best
And the worst you can be,
And all while you're getting
the better of me.
You're fragile but wicked
And fleeting as breath,
And you move up behind me
And scare me to death.
You're fragile but wicked
And fleeting as breath,
But when you move close to me
You scare me to death
At war between all good intentions
And greed,
My love is the kind
Where want becomes need.
Where lust takes the toll
Of a quick stolen breath,
You stir within me
And scare me to death.
Where lust takes the toll
Of a quick stolen breath,
You stir within me
And scare me to death
A dose now of either heart or of mind
Can be lethal, it seems, if they're not combined.
They show but contempt when consideredas two,
And pretend that each is the other to you…
Now, you spit in your hands
And haul on the rope.
And fill up my cup
With the worst kind of hope.
You lift me with words
I haven't found yet,
I fall like your shadow
And you scare me to death.
I fall like a shadow,
You've stolen my breath,
You sleep here beside me
And scare me to death.
You sleep here beside me
And you scare me to death.