"Ringling, Ringling" lyrics |

By: Jimmy Buffett
Ringlin', Ringlin' slippin' away
Only forty people livin' there today
Streets are dusty and the bank has been torn down
It's a dyin' little town
Church windows broken, that place ain't been used in years
Jail don't have a sheriff or a cell
And electric trains they run by maybe once or twice a month
Easin' it on down the Muscle Shell
Ringlin', Ringlin' slippin' away
Only forty people livin' there today
'Cause the streets are dusty and the bank has been torn down
It's a dyin' little town
And across from the bar there's a pile of beer cans
Been there twenty-seven years
Imagine all the heartaches and tears
In twenty-seven years of beer
So we hopped back in the rent-a-car
And we hit the cruise control
Pretty soon the town was out of site
Though we left behind a fat barmaid, a cowboy, and a dog
Bracin' for a Ringlin' Friday night
Ringlin', Ringlin' you're just slippin' away
I wonder how many people will be there a year from today
'Cause the streets are dusty and the bank has been torn down
It's a dyin' little town
Yeah, it's a dyin' little town