Hold your angel, he came from the stars
And it's a cold a cold world outside
Hold your angel
Hold your angel
Hold your angel
He has fallen from so far tonight
Kiss your angel...
Kiss your angel...
Kiss your angel...
He was falling from so far
Falling from so far tonight
Falling Angel
Hold your angel, he came from the stars
And it's a cold a cold world outside
Hold your angel
Hold your angel
Hold your angel
He has fallen from so far tonight
Kiss your angel...
Kiss your angel...
Kiss your angel...
He was falling from so far
Falling from so far tonight
Hold your angel, he falls from so far
And he needs a warm word inside
Hold your angel, he came from the stars
And it's a cold, a cold world outside
From the storm to the fire
From the fire to you
With a glow in his wings tonight
He was falling from so far, falling for you
He's yours, so please hold him tight
Save your angel...
Save your angel...
Save your angel...
He is burning for you girl tonight
Hold your angel...
Kiss your angel...
Save your angel,
He is burning for you girl
Burning for you girl tonight