[Intro "Don't Know Why" bonusmaterial]
[This part that Ziltoid presents is a compulation of 2 songs from the band "Soilwork". The first is called "I, Vermin" and the other is called "Sick Heart River", both from the album "Sworn to a Great Divide".]
Signal, high and low!
They bring the tooth and nail!
Fast or slow.
Will you give me one dammit second to bail out of reach,
Before I do as you please... Times two!
Cause I might be wrong,
Am I the only one who sees the damage is done?
And it wont be long before I loose my faith and make a run
And become like you!
I will make another plan to find what is left, and nothing less!
Still, I won't thread, I find my own way and make it all worthwhile!
Call, call on me darkness!
Wait, wait on me now!
Wont you say, say that I'm sorry.
Cause I wont wait!
So I found another form, it's breathing life!
It must have been there the whole time when I was dead,
Cause I was pledged to emptiness!
And now I let myself to see all the things I just didn't expect!
Still, I remember!
Still, I repent!
I never walked thought the nether despite my decent!
Acknowledging the past of me that was lost.
I have repressed too many years!
My utopia was within my grasp!
Doomed in absentia!
Left to be sentenced!
Still rising to cherish all the things I have left.
Call, call on me darkness!
Wait, wait on me now!
Wont you say, say that I'm sorry.
Cause I wont wait!
[An interview with a French interviewer.]
[The next part that Ziltoid quotes is originally from essay from "Alan Watts" called "The New Achemy" in which he was asked by a psychiatric research group to take 100 micrograms of lysergic acid, just to see whether it would reproduce anything resembling a mystical experience.]
This is it!
Colors became so vivid that flowers, leaves, and fabrics seemed to be illumined from inside.
The random patterns of blades of grass in a lawn appeared to be exquisitely organized without, however, any actual distortion of vision.
Black ink or sumi paintings by Chinese and Japanese artists appeared almost to be three dimensional photographs, and what are ordinarily dismissed as irrelevant details of speech, behavior, appearance, and form seemed in some indefinable way to be highly significant.
Listening to music with closed eyes, I beheld the most fascinating music; Patterns of dancing jewelry, mosaic, tracery, and abstract images.
At one point everything appeared to be uproariously funny, especially the gestures and actions of people going about their lives and everyday business actions.
Ordinary remarks seemed to reverberating with double and quadruple meanings, and the role-playing behavior of those around me not only became unusually evident but also implied concealed attitudes contrary or complementary to the overt intention.
In short, the screening or selective apparatus of our normal interpretative evaluation of experience had been partially suspended, with the result that I was presumably projecting the sensation of meaning or significance upon just about everything. The whole experience was vastly entertaining and interesting, but as yet nothing like any mystical experience that I had had before.
[Outro "Don't Know Why". Now go and buy 7 albums!]