"Ain't No Love" lyrics |

Maybe that it would do me good if I believed there were a god out in the starry
As it is it's just a lie and I married up in the boredom on an island of cement
Give me your ecstasy I feel it open window and ill steal it baby like its heaven
This ain't no love that's guiding me
Some day's I'm bursting at the seams with all my oft-remembered dreams then it
shoots me down again
Feel the dampness as it creeps I hear you coughing in your sleep beneath the
broken window pane
Tomorrow girl I'll buy you chips lollipops to stain your lips and it will all be
right as rain
This ain't no love that's guiding me
This ain't no love that's guiding me
No way that ain't no love guiding me
No way ain't no love guiding me
No way no love guiding me
This ain't no love that's guiding me
This ain't no love that's guiding me
On winded trees the fruit of rain is hanging trembling in the branches like a
thousand diamond bugs
Waiting there on every pause that old familiar feel that clause that tells you
nothing ain't no good
Pulling back you see it all down here so laughable and small how you quiver in
the dirt
This ain't no love its guiding me