Goals turned toward consumption away from the way we think
More concerned about what's in our pockets than the water that we
Apathy increasing where skepticism once prevailed
Ignorance covering the youth like a bride's white veil
It's the blind leading the blind, happens all the time
In our politics and our schools, now's the time to wake up before we
end up fools
Convenience is the rule, in life from day to day
Reduction of ambition is becoming the way
Education lowers its standards in an attempt to be fair
Lack of encouragement causes students not to care
It's the blind leading the blind, happens all the time
In our politics and our schools, now's the time to wake up before we
end up fools
Wake up and smell the coffee, separate the fiction from the fact
Look at the world today and you'll see it's time to act
Changing one's actions is certainly a start but only if the change
comes truly from the heart
It's the blind leading the blind, happens all the time
In our politics and our schools, now's the time to wake up before we
end up fools