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Captain Beefheart And The Magic Band
Captain Beefheart And The Magic Band

Background information
Birth name Don Glen Vliet
Born January 15, 1941
Born place Glendale, California, U.S.
Died December 17, 2010
Death place Arcata, California, U.S.
Genre(s) Experimental Rock
Blues Rock
Psychedelic Rock
Progressive Rock
Years active 1964—1982
Label(s) Epic Records
Virgin Records
Atlantic Records
Reprise Records
Mercury Records
A&M Records
Blue Thumb Records
Associated acts The Tubes
Frank Zappa
The Mothers of Invention
Ry Cooder
Zoot Horn Rollo
Rockette Morton
John French
Jack Nitzsche
Gary Lucas
Moris Tepper

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Captain Beefheart And The Magic Band Lyrics

"Pena" lyrics

Her little head clinking
Like uh barrel of red velvet balls
Full past noise
Treats filled 'er eyes
Turning them yellow like enamel coated tacks
Soft like butter hard not t' pour
Out enjoying the sun while sitting on
Uh turned on waffle iron
Smoke billowing up from between her legs
Made me vomit beautifully
'N crush uh chandelier
Fall on my stomach 'n view her
From uh thousand happened facets
Liquid red salt ran over crystals
I later band-aided the area
Oh well it was worth it
Pena pleased but sore from sitting
Choose t' stub 'er toe
'N view the white pulps horribly large
In their red pockets
"I'm tired of playing baby," she explained
'N out of uh blue felt box let escape
One yellow butterfly the same size
Its droppings were tiny green phosphorous worms
That moved in tuck 'n rolls that clacked
'N whispered in their confinement
Three little burnt scotch taped windows
Several yards away
Mouths open t' tongues that vibrated
'N lost saliva
Pena exclaimed, "That's the raspberries."

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