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Cannibal Corpse
Cannibal Corpse

Background information
Origin Buffalo, New York, United States
Genre(s) Death Metal
Years active 1988—present
Label(s) Metal Blade Records
Associated acts Nevermore
Six Feet Under
Hate Eternal
Paths of Possession
Website Website
Alex Webster
Paul Mazurkiewicz
Rob Barrett
George Fisher
Pat O'Brien
Former members
Jeremy Turner
Jack Owen
Chris Barnes
Bob Rusay

Music World  →  Lyrics  →  C  →  Cannibal Corpse  →  Albums  →  Eaten Back To Life

Cannibal Corpse Album

Eaten Back To Life (08/17/1990)
Mangled (feat. Francis Howard of Incubus & Glen Benton of Deicide)
A Skull Full Of Maggots (feat. Francis Howard & Glen Benton)
. . .

Early hours, open road, family of five - on their way home
Having enjoyed a day in the sun, their encounter with gore has just begun
A homicidal fool not knowing left from right, now has the family in his sight
Trying to perceive if he's blind or insane,
he steers his car into the other lane

Both of them collide, expressions horrified
Head on at full speed, the vultures will soon feed

The father of three was impaled on the wheel,
as his skull became a part of the dash
His eyeballs ejected his sight uneffected, he saw his own organs collapse
His seatbelt was useless for holding him back, it simply cut him in two
Legs were crushed, out leaked pus as his spinal cord took off and flew
The mother took flight through the glass, and ended up impaled on a sign
Her intestines stretched from the car down the road for a quarter of a mile

Fourth child on the way, won't live another day
Fetus on the road, with mangled little bones
Little children fly, not a chance to wonder why
Smashed against the ceiling, all their skin burning and peeling
Shards of glass explode, chest and skull now implode
Corpses they've become, and graves will have to be dug

Underneath the wheels, burning rubber on your face
Bleeding from your eyes, the slaughtered victims lies
Knowing what he's done, he just backs up one more time
Laughing at the mess, a pile of meat on the street

One child left slowly dying now, arteries gushing blood
Now it's time to feed on flesh, the gore has just begun

Early hours, open road, family of five - on their way home
Having enjoyed a day in the sun, their encounter with gore has just begun
A homicidal fool not knowing left from right, now has the family in his sight
Trying to perceive if he's blind or insane,
he steers his car into the other lane

The look of death in my eye
Surely no-one will survive
Just a pile of mush
Left to dry in the sun

I see my fresh kill
Left in the road
Remains of your bodies
Mangled and torn

[Solo: Bob]
[Solo: Jack]

One child left slowly dying now, arteries gushing blood
Now it's time to feed on flesh, the gore has just begun

. . .

Wheeled in on a cart, lying dormant not dead
Hospital of immortality, butcher their patients bloody red
Taken to a dark room, fear of impeding doom
the doctor staps you down, with an evil grin
Grabs his rusty blade, ripping through flesh and vein
he tortures his patient through evil means

You can't try to fight them, first they change your brain
Beyond the realm of evil, their means are insane
Mutilated beyond belief, but still kept alive
Pathologist of death gouging out your eyes

Guts and blood, bones are broken
As they eat your pancreas
Human liver, for their dinner
Or maybe soup with eyes
Cause of death, still unknown
Gnawing meat, from your bones
Bone saw binding in your skull
Brains are oozing a human stump

Needles injected, through your eyes
Pulling off flesh, skinned alive

Guts and blood, bones are broken
As they eat your pancreas
Human liver, for their dinner
Or maybe soup with eyes
Cause of death, still unknown
Gnawing meat, from your bones
Bone saw binding in your skull
Brains are oozing a human stump
Needles injected, through your eyes
Pulling off flesh, skinned alive

Killing for free in blood they will trust,
And they must never forsake
Feeding on blood that brought them abound,
And they must kill tonight
Genocide, suicide, screaming cries,
In hell you will die

Lying dormant not dead
Hospital of immortality, butcher their patients bloody red
Taken to a dark room, fear of impeding doom
the doctor staps you down, with an evil grin
Grabs his rusty blade, ripping through flesh and vein
he tortures his patient through evil means

. . .

Evil people with evil minds
Slaughter their victims with ripping knives
They should be caught and put to death
Strapped to the chair, they should die there
Evil people with evil minds
Slaughter their victims with ripping knives
They should be caught and put to death
Strapped to the chair, they should die there
Blood spewing from their eyes
As you here their sinful cries
Destroy their evil minds
We should take their fucking lives
They should be caught and punished
For what they have done

Torture them slowly it would be fun
Kill them all off one by one

Let them go - no torture them slow

Fuck you - and your kind
We don't need you, or your lives
Execute by injection
Execution by electrocution

Evil people with evil minds
Slaughter their vitims with ripping knives
They should be caught and put to death
Strapped to the chair, they should die there

. . .

Demolition of bodies, smashed and broken,
Piles of guts, moist and steaming
Tendons severing, brains are boiling,
Unburied corpses in state of decay
Rotten limbs start to ferment,
Torso's torn in two
Skin ripped off to expose muscle tissue,
Butchered for human stew

Crawl into the cadaver head first,
Eat your way through the guts
The pungent smell of decaying innards
Is enough to drive you nuts
The spleen of the carcass is oozing from your mouth
As you chew on the piss filled kidney's
Suck up vomit through intestines
Leaving nothing but bones

Violently cutting, seriously hacking,
Sounds of death fill the air
Bones sticking out, ripped from sockets,
Blood spurting everywhere
Victim lying dead, neck but no head,
Smearing remains on your own face
Violently cutting, seriously hacking,
Sounds of death fill the air

Blistering flesh, another death,
Stiffened bones, morbid groans
Evil minds, brains oozing slime,
Feel the pain

Body weak brain contorting,
Fluid flowing from your organs
Veins torn out, Mangled

Festering flesh, quivering cadaver,
Ligaments stretched around your own neck
Drink the puss, Mangled

Severed dick, bloody bowels,
The gutted corpse now lies hollow
Feeding on feces, Mangled

Amputated arms, crushong legs,
Head is ripped right off your shoulders
Thrown in a pile, Mangled

Limbs rearranged, head on backwards
A humongous heep of twisted flesh
Sewn together, Mangled - Mangled

His knife plunges in, your cold battered body
Blood seeping through, the jagged wounds he cuts
Unbearable pain, give into death
Your life slips away, perish in blood

His knife plunges in, your cold battered body
Blood seeping through, the jagged wounds he cuts
Unbearable pain, give into death
Your life slips away, perish in blood

Menacing madman mutilating
Destroying disfiguring, dead you'll be
Crushing cracking killing you
Annihilation, desecration

Born through modern day science
Man has made his last mistake
A creature so hideously horrible
Leaving nothing to waste

Evil has a new face,
A mangled horrible face
His views are those of death,
Nothing will stop his lust

Slicing victims left to decay,
Listening to their mortal cries
Unhuman, immortal, beastial,
Now he owns your soul

Slicing victims left to decay,
Listening to their mortal cries
Unhuman, immortal, beastial,
Now he owns your soul

Crawl into the cadaver head first,
Eat your way through the guts
The pungent smell of decaying innards
Is enough to drive you nuts
The spleen of the carcass is oozing from your mouth
As you chew on the piss filled kidney's
Suck the vomit through intestines
Leaving nothing but bones

Human converted to beast,
The perfect killing machine
Psychotic structure of brain tissue,
Murder his only memory
Dependant on death, crushing your head,
I'm addicted to blood, chew the decay

The weakened man must die,
Tearing out his insides
Smashing all the bones,
Hear his tormenting groans

. . .

Prepare to witness a place of gore
Of legal dissection and blood on the floor
Carved up corpses, in the corner
Sliced up by a psychotic coroner
Slice, dice, chop them up haphazardly
Like laboratory mice
Splatter brain matter
Pound on the skull until it shatters

Hack, slice, chop, carve, rip and tear
Carving out your eyeballs, watch them sit and stare
Tear, rip, slice, carve, chop and hack
Toss them into a sack

Tags on bare feet, means a real treat,
To the butcher of human meat
Slice the throat from ear to ear,
Gallons of blood do appear
Veins exposed, torn from boddies,
The most interesting of hobbies
To get paid for such a task
Is more than any man could ask
Tags on bare feet, means a real treat,
To the butcher of human meat
Slice the throat from ear to ear,
Gallons of blood do appear

Prepare to witness a place of gore
Of legal dissection and blood on the floor
Carved up corpses, in the corner
Sliced up by a psychotic coroner
Slice, dice, chop them up haphazardly
Like laboratory mice
Splatter brain matter
Pound on the skull until it shatters

Hack, slice, chop, carve, rip and tear
Carving out your eyeballs, watch them sit and stare
Tear, rip, slice, carve, chop and hack
Toss them all into a sack

Ripping, tearing your skin turning red
Vile surgeon, knife cutting in
Skull cracking, to expose your brain
Evil doctor death drove him insane
Ripping, tearing your skin turning red
Vile surgeon, knife cutting in
Skull cracking, to expose your brain
Evil doctor death drove him insane

. . .

Enter the crypts of hell, to impregnate the dead
Fresh burial sight, my hunger grows tonight
Undying lust for cadaverous molestation
sights of death building my sensations
Ferocious need for decomposing bodies

Sex with the dead now I must breed
Within the stiff corpse planting my seed
The taste of formaldahyde, smell of the rot
Suck out the goo, feast on her crotch

Raging fires of hell, burning through my soul
My love for a dead fuck, what I cannot control
The child soon will rise, all evil will survive
Birth through death

The newborn needs a feast, its mother is the meal
Chomping on her flesh, his teeth tearing her skin

I love to fuck the dead, demons in my head
Tearing at my brain

I love to fuck the dead, demons in my head
Tearing at my brain

Bleeding sores beginning to stench
While you lick the festering stump
Green infection discharging puss
Devour the putrid afterbirth

Sex with the dead now I must breed
Within the stiff corpse planting my seed
The taste of formaldahyde, smell of the rot
Suck out the goo, feast on her crotch

. . .

A quivering pile of useless flesh, locked in a padded cell
Hidden of the prying eyes' curiosity
experimental surgery made him what he is today
His head is rotting but his body lives on as a worthless vegetable
Unknown to mankind, the incredible power of his mind

Hideous heredity, genetic imbalance, resorting to cannibalism
A feast begins as the patients skull is cracked open like a walnut
Brains devoured in a frenzied slaughter, thirst for gore nothing more
Bile is dripping, puss from wounds, as the coroner drinks it down

The sights before your eyes you can't describe
A trip through this living hell will rot away your skull

Genital lasceration, anal asphyxiation
Blockage of bowel passage, defication, haemmorhage
Cadaverous mutalation, metamorphial radiation
Devourance of arteries, decapitated extremeties
Cranial excavation, cerebral liquidation
Brain turned to soup, ears are dripping goop

Slimy, cozing, dripping puss, torn out
Fingernails starting to fuss
Shredded cartilage victim lies
Eyes sockets, but no eyes
Miles of intestines strewn all about,
Facial features strickened with gout
Hanging bodies dripping with blood
The blackned fluid sinks in the mud

A quivering pile of useless flesh, locked in a padded cell

. . .

Undead feast, as they tear upon your weak flesh
Terror builds, as the thought of being dead
Prophecy of the wisemen of old
Now comes true, as the corpses break the soil
Ancient spell breaks the sleep of the dead
The dead awake, what the populace is fearing
Panic strikes as the nations run in fear
Oceans boil with blood of human victims

Suicide, the only way to avoid being eaten by the undead
Grave yards coming alive with zombies, hungry for living flesh
Psychotic, transmuted corpses, upsuring the population
Sickening disaster of epidemic proportions, devouring us

Tables turn as a victim I've become now
State of death only waiting to return
Vital signs that show I'm dead
This can't happen, I'm rising from my own grave
Hunger grows not nutritionnal but instinctual
Flesh becomes my only crave of this live
Unthinking state, a state of metamorphosis
Seeking food to keep me dead

Degenerate, a product of man's frustration for his error
Insatiable hunger for mankind, building with each kill
Seeking human victims to meet my fill
Cannibal I've become, what's happened to my brain

Feast on the corpse, suck out his brain
As its fluids drip down the drain
Chew on the bones, drink from its bladder
The vile stench only makes me madder

In through the mouth, out the forehead
Brains fall out, skin turns red
Violent surge, a spear through the skull
Felt the urge, now my heart's full

I crave gore, I'll eat your guts

I love gore, blood drives me nuts
I drink blood, I don't like water
Intestines my cud, I feast in the slaughter
Twist its neck, make it crack

Suicide, the only way to avoid being eaten by the undead
Grave yards coming alive with zombies, hungry for living flesh
Psychotic, transmuted corpses, upsuring the population
Sickening disaster of epidemic proportions, devouring us

Blood I want to drink, I want to suck
Brains I want to eat, the rest I'll chuck
Bones into a spear, I'll carve and kill
Hunger for the quest, I'll never fill
Blood I want to drink, I want to suck
Brains I want to eat, the rest I'll chuck
Bones into a spear, I'll carve and kill
Hunger for the quest, I'll never fill

I crave gore, I'll eat your guts

. . .

Walking down the street, the smell of death in the air
What a rotting stench
My imagination runs wild at what it could be
Open up the can to discover a dead body

Or what was left of one, pieces in a bag
Blood is everywhere what a retched sight
Cut up really small by a razor sharp knife
Lying in the garbage no one else knows
What I have found, what should I do
Take it to the police or make it into stew
This was an evil committed by the insane
Looking down laughing, I am the same

The sight of death drives me nuts, I must kill
To control my brain
Swept away by my lust to cause pain,
Mutilation is my only want

The evil inside me gives me the strength
To kill at will
My life is the means to cause death
In the most sinister way

I see it in your eyes the fear that keeps me alive
I'll take it away, your life will end today
I'll leave you to rot, what a sick odor
Scream all you want, but you can't stop this horror

Tasting your life as I drink your blood
Ripping out your insides, chewing on your spleen
Dead or living flesh is what I crave
I'll kill someone or eat from a grave

. . .

Lying there cold after a torturous death
Your life ended fast you took your last breath
Dead in a grave, your final place
The maggots infest your disfigured face
Puss through your veins takes the place of blood
Decay sets in, bones begin to crack
Thrown six feet down left to rot
Brains oozing black down the side of your broken neck

Skull full of maggots

They enter your tomb-maggots-beginning to feast-maggots
Crawling on you-maggots-now they eat you-maggots
Rotting maggots-maggots-infesting your corpse-maggots
Parasites of the dead-maggots-now dwell in your head

Lying there cold after a torturous death
Your life ended fast you took your last breath
Dead in a grave, your final place
The maggots infest your disfigured face
Puss through your veins takes the place of blood
Decay sets in, bones begin to crack
Thrown six feet down left to rot
Brains oozing black down the side of your broken neck

. . .

To kill is why I live
My God gives eternal life
Slice you, I watch your blood flow
Rotten brains, I feed 'till I'm full
Pressure building, the body starts to swell

The souls of my victims brings me great power
Feasting on the flesh by the hour
Lungs explode as I cave in your chest
Probing through your organs - searching for meat
Chewing the heart of my kill builds my evil will
Bodies emptied of blood to fill my sacrificial chalice
I stalk my prey at night, I need to kill tonight
To strengthen my evil soul, those what I keep worship me below
I am your worst reality, pain and torture of humanity
Violent ways of insanity, there is no end to this cruelty

In my grasp, I'll kill you fast, I'll send your soul to hell
Butchery of Human beings is the only life I know
My armies of zombies will inherit the earth, and answer to my spells
Mutilate the human race in search for immortals

I drag the carcass home, it feels stiff and cold
Incantation of the devil to rob it of its soul
Consume the lifeless cadaver, I drink your blackened blood
Its death flows through my body, indulge in its pain

Crucifixion in the cemetary awakes the dead from their sleep
Rising from their graves to devour the weakened mortals
Under my control, I own their tortured souls

. . .

Enter the crypts of hell, to impregnate the dead
Fresh burial sight, my hunger grows tonight
Undying lust for cadaverous molestation
sights of death building my sensations
Ferocious need for decomposing bodies

Sex with the dead now I must breed
Within the stiff corpse planting my seed
The taste of formaldahyde, smell of the rot
Suck out the goo, feast on her crotch

Raging fires of hell, burning through my soul
My love for a dead fuck, what I cannot control
The child soon will rise, all evil will survive
Birth through death

The newborn needs a feast, its mother is the meal
Chomping on her flesh, his teeth tearing her skin

I love to fuck the dead, demons in my head
Tearing at my brain

I love to fuck the dead, demons in my head
Tearing at my brain

Bleeding sores beginning to stench
While you lick the festering stump
Green infection discharging puss
Devour the putrid afterbirth

Sex with the dead now I must breed
Within the stiff corpse planting my seed
The taste of formaldahyde, smell of the rot
Suck out the goo, feast on her crotch

. . .

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