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Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen

Background information
Birth name Bruce Frederick Springsteen
Born September 23, 1949
Born place Long Branch, New Jersey, United States
Genre(s) Rock
Heartland Rock
Roots Rock
Years active 1972—present
Label(s) Columbia Records
Associated acts E Street Band
Steel Mill
Miami Horns
The Sessions Band
Website Website

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Bruce Springsteen Lyrics

"Real Man" lyrics

Took my baby to a picture show
Found a seat in the back row
Sound came up lights went down
Rambo he was blowin' 'em down
I don't need no gun in my fist baby
All I need is your sweet kiss
To get me feelin' like a real man
Feelin' like a real man
Well you can beat on your chest
Hell any monkey can
But you got me feelin' like a real man
Oh feelin' like a real man

Me and my girl Saturday night
Late movie on channel five
The girls were droppin' they're droppin' like flies
To some smooth talkin' cool walkin' private eye
I ain't got no nerves of steel
But all I got to know is if your love is real
To get me feelin' like a real man
Oh feelin' like a real man
Well you can beat on your chest
Hell any monkey can
But you got me feelin' like a real man
Oh feelin' like a real man

I ain't no fighter that's easy to see
And as a lover I ain't goin' down in history
But when the lights go down and you pull me close
Well I look in your eyes and there's one thing I know
Baby I'll be tough enough
If I can find the guts to give you all my love
Then I'll be feelin' like a real man
Feelin' like a real man
Well you can beat on your chest
Hell any monkey can
You got me feelin' like a real man
Oh feelin' like a real man
Yeah I been feelin' like a real man

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