Remember those cartoons
We watched when we were younger
Opposing angels sat there
On Bugs' and Daffys' shoulders
And baffled and confused
Them with their clever banter
Now, the gods a young boy saw there
Reappeared when he was older
1. And driving I have Michael
On the seat beside me
Chiding me and tempting me
With aggressive reckless speed
Tailgating, speeding running yellow lights
Saint Michael is the angel who inspires us to fight
The Cherubim, The Seraphim
Saint Michael please don't tease me
A gospel hymn for life and limb
Archangel please release me
2. And lucky I have Raphael
Sent down to earth to save me
Calming me and soothing me
With heaven's healing grace
Courtesy and kindness, letting others in
Saint Raphael's the angel who doesn't need to win
The Cherubim, The Seraphim
Saint Raphael please guide me
A gospel hymn for life and limb
Archangel stay beside me
The Cherubim, The Seraphim
Archangels for a ride
A gospel hymn for life and limb
Michael, Raphael decide
A gospel hymn for life and limb
Archangel please release me