Beauty Queen from Mobile Alabama.
Busted for murder at a K-mart store.
She shot the conductor of a twenty piece orchestra for cheating on her.
Let out the dogs of war.
Found her freedom and moved to Pasadena to lay in the hot sun, forget the past.
Got off the bus without a penny on her.
Looking for love that wasn't gonna last.
She said, “Love is a passionate crime, where only the guilty survive. And the innocent, they fly away.”
Took in two stray dogs and a Scientologist.
Hoping to land a Hollywood score.
Enlarged her breasts after several turned down part requests, sold sunglasses on the Venice sea shore.
Saved up some money to buy a bed and breakfast.
Gave it away to some hard luck case.
Starting over when you should have been a success – Beauty Queen now has some lines on her face.
She said, “Love is a passionate crime, where only the guilty survive. And the innocent, they fly away.”
She headed off for Anchorage Alaska after falling for a small plane pilot.
He was lost at sea on their seventh anniversary.
Called in the coast guard but they couldn't find him.
But from their nest came two boys and a girl.
The girl plays the field. The boys are married.
Beauty Queen still spins that wheel but she can't forget about the guilt that she carries.
She said, “Love is a passionate crime, where only the guilty survive. And the innocent should shy away.”