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Barbra Streisand
Barbra Streisand

Background information
Birth name Barbara Joan Streisand
Born April 24, 1942
Born place Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
Genre(s) Traditional pop
Adult Contemporary
Years active 1957—present
Label(s) Columbia Records
Website Website

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Barbra Streisand Album

My Name Is Barbra (1965)
Someone to Watch Over Me
. . .

My mother said
That babies come in bottles
But last week she said
They grew on special babies bushes
I don't believe in the storks either

They're all in the zoo
Busy with their own babies
And what's a baby bush anyway?
My name is barbra...

. . .

I wish I were a kid again
Doing what I did again
Here I make my bit again
To be a kid again
Once more through the door
Once more as before
Into a land where I leave cares behind
Please take me back
There are things I must find
Oh, I wish I were a kid again
Doing what I did again
A kid again...
I'm five, I'm five
I am a big girl now, I'm five
I can dress myself, I don't need Mum
To help me anymore
And when I sit in my father's chair
My feet can reach the floor
I'm five, I'm five
I am a big girl now, I'm five
My mother doesn't spank me just
For going without a hat
She knows darn well I'd run away
'Cause I'm too old for that
What does she think I'm three?
Not me
What does she think I'm four?
I'm more than four
I'm even more than four and a half...
I'm five!
On April 24!

. . .

Jenny rebecca, four days old
How do you like the world so far?
Jenny rebecca, four days old
What a lucky, lucky, lucky
Lucky girl you are
For you have swings to be swung on
Trees to be climbed up
Days to be young on
Toys you can wind up
Grass to be lying on
Sun up above
Pillows for crying on
When you're in love
Ponies for riding

Wind in your hair
Slides to be sliding on
Leaves in the air
Dogs to be caring for
Love to be giving
Dreams to be daring for
Long as you're living
Yes, you have
Dreams to be daring for
Long as you're living
Jenny rebecca, four days old
What a lucky, lucky, lucky
Lucky girl you are...

. . .

My pa can light my room at night
By just his being near
And make a fear for dream all right
By grinning ear to ear
My pa can do most anything
He sets his mind to do
He'd even move a mountain
If he really wanted to
My pa can sweeten up the day
That clouds and rain make gray

And tell me funny stories
That will chase the clouds away
My pa's the only one on earth
I can tell my troubles to
His arms are house and home to me
His face's a pretty poem to me
My pa's the finest friend I ever knew
I only wish that you
Could know him too...

. . .

I dreamed last night that I was a tiger in the jungle
But I was a big bad tiger, for a lion killed me
And then I was an elephant, a great big elephant
There wasn't anything I couldn't do
Till they caught and they brought me to the zoo
So I dreamed I was an alligator
-crocodile? -no, alligator!
With a great big mouth
And four very funny little legs
Which are no good for dancing
So, then I was a dancing bear
And I was doing my dancing where the bears dance

But I was sneezing, ¡®cause I was a dancing polar bear
And it was freezing
Then I dreamed I was a giraffe
I looked so ridiculous I wanted to laugh
But giraffes can't talk, so how can they laugh?
Till I woke up
And I was not a tiger, or and elephant,
I was not an alligator. -crocodile? -no, alligator!
I was not a dancing bear or a tall giraffe
I was only me...and that's the way I'll be!
Oh, that's the way I'll be
I enjoy being an oyster!

. . .

Where is the wonder that I once felt?
Watching snowflakes melt as a child
Where is the wonder that I once knew?
When the sky of blue turned wild?
Where is the magic that thrilled me so,
Watching flowers grow in the spring?
Where is the magic that filled the sky?
How did robins fly and sing?
Where are the marvels that I marveled at?
What changed the kitten into a cat?
Where are the mysteries that I couldn't solve?
What made the world revolve?
Where is the wonder that years conceal,
That a child can feel now and then?
Oh, where is the wonder of long ago
That I'll never know again...

. . .

Beyond that road lies a shining world
Beyond that road lies despair
Beyond that road lies a world that's gleaming
People who are scheming...
Beauty, hunger, glory, sorrow, never a pain or care
But I'm liable to find a couple of surprises there...
There's a song I must sing, it's a well known song,
But the tune is bitter
And it doesn't take long to learn, I can learn!
Pretty little world that beams so bright
That pretty little world that seems delightful cambered

Let me learn...let me learn...
For I can see it, shining somewhere
Bright lights somewhere invite me to compare and learn
And I'm ready, I can hear it silent singing
Inside my ear, I hear them all singing of love!
Who knows maybe all the visions that I see
May be waiting just for me to say
Take me there and make me see it, make me feel it
I know it so, I know that it really may be...
Let me learn!

. . .

Someone to Watch Over Me

[No lyrics]

. . .

I've got no strings to hold me down
To make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings but now I'm free
There are no strings on me
I've got no strings so I have fun
I'm not tied to anyone
How I love my liberty, there are no strings on me!
Hi-ho the me-ri-o, I'm as happy as can be
I want the world to know nothing ever worries me
I've got no strings to hold me down
To make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings but now I'm free
There are no strings on me
Why does the gay little dicky bird sing?
What put the "zing" in a butterfly's wing?
What's the reason for the smile of a troubadour?

Why does the breeze have a barrel of fun?
Even the bee who's a son of a gun
It's all because they're free
And stringless the same as me
I've got no strings and I'm so glad
No strings at all to make me sad
I had strings but now I'm free,
There are no strings on me
Oh, hi-ho, the way we go
I'm as happy as can be
I want the world to know nothing ever worries me!
I've got no strings so I have fun
I'm not tied up to anyone
How I love my liberty, there are no strings on me!
No ties to bind me, it's not easy to find me,
'cause I've got no strings on me!

. . .

If I were the only girl in the world
And you were the only boy
Nothing else would matter in the world today
We could go on loving in the same old way
A garden of eden, mmm, just made for two
With nothing to harm our joy
I would say such wonderful things to you
There would be such wonderful things to do
If were the only girl in the world
And you were the only boy

...if I were the only girl...
Nothing else would matter in the world today
We could go on loving in the same sweet way
A garden of eden, mmm, just made for two
With nothing to change our joy
I would say such wonderful things to you
There would be such beautiful things to do
If were the only girl in the world
And you were the only boy.

. . .

Why did I choose you?
What did I see in you?
I saw the heart you hide so well
I saw a quiet man who had a gentle way
A way that caught me in its glowing spell
Why did I want you?
What could you offer me?
A love to last a life time through
And when I lost my heart so many years ago,
I lost it lovingly and willingly to you...
If I had to choose again,
I would still choose you...

. . .

Oh my man I love him so
He'll never know
All my life is just despair
But I don't care
When he takes me in his arms
The world is bright, alright,
What's the difference if I say
I'll go away
When I know I'll come back
On my knees someday
Oh whatever my man is
I am his
Forever more
It cost me a lot
But that's one thing that I've got
It's my man
Cold and wet
Tired you bet
But all that I soon forget
With my man
He's not much for looks

And no hero out of books
He's my man
Two or three girls has he
That he likes as well as me
But I love him

Oh my man I love him so
He'll never know
All my life is just despair
But I don't care
When he takes me in his arms
The world is bright, alright,
What's the difference if I say
I'll go away
When I know I'll come back
On my knees someday
Oh whatever my man is
I am his
Forever more

. . .

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