The Go! Team
"The Wrath Of Marcie"

I noticed that no sites have this tune's lyrics, and this is probably my favourite tune on the album so I'd thought I'd share the lyrics that I sing to. Theres some easy bits you can hear but a lot of itis muffled, so obviously these lyrics arn't correct, but some of it is :)

cos all the actions at the back door once again
running to the hop, cos your catching me again
stand up to a stretch with a jiggidy-drop!
hear the band coming at ya with a clippity-clop!
now clap ya hand, slide, running to each side
shimmy down show us how they do it on the east side
hop to the skip n taking the twist
hear the sounds of the gounds with a wippty-wip!


in the confusion, the revolution kammy-kow!
[!?!] look to the crowd
now rock with me, rock with me, keep with the show
hear the home groove sound, you gotta give it a go
don't stop the dj, everything's okay
let me hear ya rock, cos it could be ya last day
