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New Daft Punk Songs To Feature On Tron: Legacy Video Game

October 12, 2010
New Daft Punk Songs To Feature On Tron: Legacy Video GameSongs from Daft Punk's score for the movie Tron: Legacy are also set to feature on an accompanying video game.

The game, called Tron: Evolution, is set to be released alongside the Disney movie in December.

Speaking at the New York Comic-Con, Disney Interactive senior PR manager Eric Wein confirmed that the game would include both original music and songs from the soundtrack.

“We haven't announced details for the soundtrack, we will soon,” Joystiq quoted him as saying.

“We can tell you it'll be a combination of the film's soundtrack and some unique, original music."

As previously reported, Daft Punk created the much-anticipated score together alongside the film's director Joseph Kosinski.

It will be released on November 22 on CD, a deluxe edition and digital download.

Tron Legacy is the sequel to 1982's Tron, and stars Jeff Bridges and Olivia Wilde. The sci-fi film is scheduled to arrive in cinemas on December 17.

(by Jason Gregory)

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