Alkaline Trio
"In My Stomach"

In this shadow I shrink and it knows
I can't move, it is making me cold
and it grows in my stomach like mold
it keeps me just sick enough to stay home.

Kill the lights could ease cover close
blinds biuld a wall of stone
and seal that we'll never come down.
Let the dust call the noise just like James the First
there will be no blood this time in silence and yours twice deadbolt the doors.

I've been followed by a face marked with paint.
He came close once and he just learned my name.
Everyday grows taller it looks down at my heart
and trough my throught he could reach in and pull me apart.

He gives what is when he contacts my eyes.
He can see right through to everything that blackened my veins
and his sound resinate up and down
like a march through me this battle field.
There's just not much left so silence the rest.

In this shadow I shrink
and it knows I can't move I can't sleep.
Teriffied by my own bloodshot eyes
so I'll wait here and pray.
I prayed that I was all wrong about prayer.
I do know that this is truely tired.

It still grows in my stomach like mold.
It keeps me just sick enough to stay home all alone.